*This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Supplement facts (1 drop): vitamin D3 400 IU
Other ingredients: purified coconut oil
Turn the bottle completely upside down. There is no need to shake the bottle, as the drop will fall out by itself thanks to gravity To slow the speed of the drop, the bottle can be tilted slightly from vertical Once you see the drop forming, you know that the drop will fall shortly
To prevent a second drop from coming out, start tilting the bottle at 45 degrees
Ddrops® products, including Baby Ddrops®, are designed to be dropped onto a clean surface rather than dropped directly into the mouth This safe method prevents the EuroDdropper™ from becoming contaminated by avoidable contact with a mouth This method also allows easy monitoring for the number of drops being dispensed from the dropper prior to a child taking in the product and avoiding administering more than one drop
Ddrops® may be dropped onto food without concern that it will affect the taste of the food
Once the drop is dispensed, return the bottle to an upright position and put on the cap Store the bottle upright, between 60°F and 85°F