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Headache/Migraine - Diagnosis

Headaches are fairly common and do not necessarily require medical attention. However, if the condition get more serious or persists, you should seek medical help from a doctor or a pharmacist. Since there are different forms of headaches and cause(s), a thorough diagnosis of your headaches or migraines must be performed by a doctor in order to receive the appropriate treatment. To accurately diagnose the cause(s) of the headaches, your doctor will first take a headache. Inform the doctor if you are in any special medical conditions or have been taking certain kinds of medications.

You should also tell your doctor if you have been treated in the past for headaches and the type of medications (both prescribed and over-the-counter) you have taken or currently being taken. Doctor may also evaluate the intensity of your headaches by performing an X-rays test and other imaging tests if necessary. After completing the medical history and physical portion of your evaluation, the doctor will perform a neurological exam to look for signs and symptoms of an illness that may be causing the headaches, such as:

- Fever or difficulty in breathing
- Nausea, vomiting, seizures
- abnormal behavior or mental confusion
- Dizziness
- Loss of consciousness
- Excessive fatigue, muscle weakness, numbness
- Elevated blood pressure
- Changes in vision ( blurry visions, blind spots)

Neurological tests focus on detecting a physical or structural abnormality in the brain that may cause your headache, such as:
- Tumor
- Hemorrhage (bleeding within the brain)
- Bacterial or viral meningitis (an inflammation of the membrane that covers the brain and spinal cord)
- Blood clots
- Head trauma/ injuries
- Sinus blockage or infection
- Blood vessel abnormalities

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