Since allergens that cause allergies are environmental, you can avoid or reduce your exposure to these allergens by controlling your environments. Note that:
Methods of Reducing Allergen Exposure
Outdoor Allergens
1. To increase air circulation, instead of leaving windows and doors open, use air conditioning as an alternative.
2. Upon return from a trip outdoors, change your clothes and take a shower.
3. Rather than drying your laundry outdoors, use a dryer instead.
Indoor Allergens
1. For those with house dust allergies, use allergy-free covers to cover pillows and mattresses to reduce dust mite contamination.
a. Wash bedding in hot water.
2. For those with animal dander allergies, remove pets from home or keep some rooms pet-free, i.e. bedrooms.
a. Also, remove or wash stuffed animals.
3. For mold allergies, use air conditioning and a dehumidifier to help reduce mold growth.