Anemia - Diagnosis

Your health care provider can perform blood tests on you to look for signs of anemia. The type and number of blood tests to be performed will depend on the type of anemia your physician suspect that you may have. Your health care provider will then determine the proper treatment, depending on the type of anemia diagnosed and its cause.
Your doctor will perform a physical examination, and may find:

- Pale skin
- Rapid heart rate
- Heart murmur

Some types of anemia may lead to other findings on a physical exam. Blood tests used to diagnose some common types of anemia may include:

- Blood levels of vitamin B12, folic acid, and other vitamins and minerals
- Red blood cell count and hemoglobin levels
- Reticulocyte (immature red blood cells) count
- Ferritin (the protein that stores iron inside cells) level
- Iron level

Other tests may be done to identify medical problems that can cause anemia.

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