Gas - Treatment

To get relief from gas symptoms, you can try some of the available over-the-counter products and make changes to your diet/eating habits/other lifestyle habits.


?-Galactosidase (Beano® tabs or liquid)
- This product contains an enzyme that your body does not make. The enzyme works by breaking food down in the small intestines. As a result, the bacteria in your large intestines do not have to further break down the food and gas will not be produced. So, this product prevents gas even before it starts.
Beano is available in a tablet or liquid form.  You just have to take it with the first bite of food that you eat. 

Simethicone (Gas-X, Mylanta Gas, Mylicon)
- This product works by breaking up gas bubbles in the body, thereby making it easier for you to pass gas. You should take this if you are experiencing bloating, discomfort, or pain caused by excess gas.    

Keep a journal of all the foods that you eat for several days. Identify and avoid the foods that cause gas symptoms. 
- Limit foods that commonly cause gas: vegetables, legumes (beans, peas), sugars and sugar substitutes, carbonated drinks, fried and fatty foods, artificial sweeteners, milk and other dairy products.
- Limit foods with air in them: whipped cream, milk shakes.
- Limit carbonated beverages and alcohol: soda, mineral water, beer.

- Eat smaller meals throughout the day.
- Chew your food thoroughly.
- Eat slowly. You may swallow extra air when you eat too fast.
- Eat in a calm environment.
- Do not wash solid foods down with liquid.
- Do not induce burping, belching, or passing gas through your anus.
- Avoid deep sighing.
- Avoid chewing gum, eating hard candies, drinking through a straw, and smoking. You can swallow more air with these activities. 

- Avoid long-term use of cold medications.
- Avoid tight-fitting clothes.
- Do not lie down right after eating.
- Exercise for at least 30 minutes every day, for at least 5 days a week. 

- pregnant or breastfeeding
- symptoms do not get better or worsen after 1 week of treatment

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