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Canker Sore - Treatment

OTC products that relieves symptoms of RAS, or canker sores, include oral debriding (removal of plaque), wound cleansing products, and topical oral anesthetics, as well as topical oral protectants and rinses.

Cleansing and debriding agents contain carbamide peroxide 10-15% (Glyoxide liquid), hydrogen peroxide 3% or sodium bicarbonate. Note: prolonged use of these agents can lead to tissue irritation and decalcification of tooth enamel.

A combination of topical oral anesthetics for pain relief with topical oral protectants to coat the lesions can be used. Protectants should be applied as needed, but it will only provide temporary relief of discomfort, oral antiseptic rinses may aid in healing of lesions. Some products include Colgate Orabase paste, Anbesol gel, Orajel gel, Tanac liquid, and more.

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