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15 Tips for Adding Exercise to Your Day


Want to better control your weight and your diabetes risk? Get moving. Here are 15 tips to make it easy:

- Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator.

- Walk or bike to your destination and leave the car at home.

- At the mall, park a good distance away from where you plan to shop.

- Exercise while watching T.V., especially during commercials.

- Housework counts! Try scrubbing floors, vacuuming, polishing furniture or washing windows.

- Take your dog for a walk. How can you resist that face?

- Go for a short walk before breakfast and after dinner.

- Several times a day, make a point of getting up and moving around and stretching your legs, regardless of what you’re doing.

- Walk the golf course and skip the cart.

- Spend time in your yard planting flowers, pulling weeds, mowing or raking.

- Walk around the house while you talk on the phone, rather than sitting.

- Clean out the garage and your closets.

- Instead of using kitchen gadgets like an electric mixer, mix ingredients by hand.

- Participate in your kids’ activities at the playground and in the backyard.

- Go shopping. You don’t need to buy anything. Just walk the mall at a fast clip and window shop. Bring a friend for company. 

—Source: The Mayo Clinic

Good Neighbor Pharmacy Health Connection, January 2014