
Ask a Pharmacist: Is It Possible to Take Too Many Vitamins?


The liver and kidneys are generally very efficient at removing excess vitamins and nutrients that the body does not need. However, long-term overuse of certain vitamins can be harmful. Vitamins prone to overdose include vitamins A, D, E, K, iron and calcium. The best way to avoid complications is by following the recommendations listed on the vitamin labels. Even though over-the-counter vitamins and supplements are generally recognized as safe without a doctor’s supervision, it is recommended to talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking vitamins. Vitamins may interact with other vitamins or prescription medications and negatively affect certain health conditions.

You can also talk to your pharmacist about the differences in vitamin quality and absorption and the most effective vitamin treatment options for you. Ideally, you will find the fewest number of vitamins you need in order to achieve the results you want, with the lowest chance of side effects. Remember that proper nutrition, hydration, exercise and daily outdoor activity will satisfy most or all your body’s needs. As always, your local Good Neighbor Pharmacy Pharmacist is always ready to help!



Good Neighbor Pharmacy Health Connection Jan 2019