For Women: Better Fats May Boost Brain Health


Could that bowl of guacamole make you smarter? Perhaps. According to one study, avocados are among the foods that may protect women's mental powers as they age.

For the study, 6,000 women told researchers about their regular diets. They then took cognitive tests regularly for four years.

Women who ate more saturated fats, found in meat and full-fat dairy foods, showed signs of decline over that time. On the other hand, women who ate more monounsaturated fats—found in avocados, olive and sunflower oil, and many nuts and seeds—had higher scores.

To stay sharp, swap out bad fats for good fats. Try these tips:

  • Use olive or canola oil instead of butter or margarine when cooking.

  • Sprinkle nuts or sesame seeds on a salad instead of cheese.

  • Eat avocado instead of lunch meat on a sandwich.

Source: Good Neighbor Pharmacy Health Connection, May 2013