Get Fit: Fitting Exercise Into Your Day


Physical activity needs to be a regular habit to produce real benefits. It's easy to get busy and put off that "you" time. But being active is one of the most important things you can do for yourself to help maintain good physical health — and to help manage your diabetes.

Make it a point to include physical activities throughout the day. Try being active first thing in the morning before you get busy. Think of this time as a special appointment, and mark it on your calendar.

Make it easy. If it's difficult or costs too much, you probably won't participate in enough exercise activities. Put your two-pound weights next to the couch so you can do some lifting while you watch T.V. Walk up and down the sideline during your child's soccer game. Walk each aisle of the grocery store when you do your shopping or hit the mall for a few laps. Join a gym close to home.

Make it social. Enlist a friend or family member to join you for a morning walk. Many people find that having an exercise buddy keeps them going. Take a yoga class with a neighbor. Join a walking club at a local mall. Take a walk at lunch with a co-worker.

If you love the outdoors, try biking, fishing, jogging or hiking. Listen to music or a book while gardening, walking, etc. Plan a hiking trip at a nearby park with friends.

Above all, make exercise an active decision. Seize opportunities, block out time on your calendar, invite a friend and get moving!




-Source: National Institutes of Health

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