Living with Diabetes During Menopause


Menopause can present certain challenges for women with diabetes. It may cause changes in blood sugar. The hormones estrogen and progesterone affect how your cells respond to insulin. After menopause, changes in your hormone levels can trigger fluctuations in your blood-sugar level. You may notice that your blood-sugar level is more variable or less predictable than before. !f your blood sugar gets out of control, you have a higher risk of diabetes complications. Some women gain weight during the menopausal transition and after menopause. This can increase the need for insulin or oral-diabetes medication.

There's plenty you can do to better manage diabetes and menopause. Make healthy lifestyle choices. Odds are, eating healthy foods and exercising regularly are already the cornerstone of your diabetes treatment plan. Healthy foods and regular physical activity can help you feel your best after menopause, too.

Measure your blood sugar frequently. And ask your doctor about adjusting your diabetes medications, if necessary. Working with your doctor can help you stay at your healthiest through this transition.



Good Neighbor Pharmacy Health Connection, December 2013