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Low-Dose Aspirin: Is It for You?


Can an aspirin a day help ward off a heart attack or stroke? That depends, says the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Scientific evidence shows that taking an aspirin daily can help prevent a heart attack or stroke in some people, but not in everyone. It can also cause some unwanted side effects, and care must be taken when using aspirin along with other blood thinners.

According to the FDA, for people who have had a heart attack, stroke or cardiovascular problems, daily aspirin therapy is worth considering. How much aspirin you take matters. It’s important to your health and safety that the dose you use and how often you take it is right for you. Your doctor can tell you the dose and frequency that will provide the greatest benefit with the least side effects. Bottom line: The FDA recommends starting daily aspirin therapy only after consulting with your doctor.




—Sources: U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Good Neighbor Pharmacy Health Connection, February 2016