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Managing Your Diabetes During Holiday Parties


Having diabetes shouldn't stop you from enjoying holiday celebrations. With some planning and a little work, you can stay healthy at holiday gatherings with friends and family. Before you go, take these steps to make sure you stick to your healthy meal plan:

- Eat a healthy snack to avoid overeating at the party.

- Ask what food will be served, so you can see how it fits into your meal plan.

- Bring a nutritious snack or dish for yourself and others.

- If you're at a buffet, fix your plate and move to another room away from the food, if possible.

- Choose smaller portions.

- Choose low-calorie drinks such as sparkling water, unsweetened tea or diet beverages. If you select an alcoholic beverage, limit it to one drink a day for women, two for men, and drink only with a meal.

- Watch out for heavy holiday favorites such as hams coated with a honey glaze, turkey swimming in gravy and side dishes loaded with butter, sour cream, cheese or mayonnaise. Instead, choose turkey without gravy and trim off the skin, or choose other lean meats.

Source:Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Good Neighbor Pharmacy Health Connection, December 2012