
Preparing for Your First Mammogram


Preparing for Your First Mammogram

More women than ever are surviving breast cancer. That good news could be even better if more women had regular mammograms. If you've never had a mammogram, however, you may be unsure about when to start and what to expect.

Screening Helps Catch Cancer Early

Doctors generally agree that mammograms are the best way to find breast tumors early, while they're smaller and easier to treat. Many tumors that are too small to be felt during a breast self-exam can be found by mammograms.

Currently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends women ages 50 to 74 get a mammogram every two years. The American Cancer Society, on the other hand, suggests yearly screening for all women 40 and older. Talking with your doctor about your individual risk factors can help determine when to start and how often to get mammograms.

Selecting a Mammogram Type and Location

You may need to choose between conventional mammography, which records X-ray information on film, and digital mammography, which creates a digital computer image. Both types can detect breast cancer, but digital images may be more accurate in women younger than 50 and those with extremely dense breasts.

Choose a facility that specializes in women's health care services for your mammogram. Avoid scheduling the appointment during the week before your period, when breasts are more tender. The process will be more comfortable and produce a better image. Check beforehand for special instructions. Be sure to mention if you have breast implants, or are pregnant or breastfeeding

What to Expect

Mammograms usually take about 20 minutes. You'll need to disrobe above the waist, so wear a skirt, shorts or pants. Don't use deodorant, perfume, lotion or powder under your arms or on your breasts the day of your mammogram. They can cloud the picture. A technician will arrange your breast on a metal plate. A plastic second plate will lower for a few seconds to compress your breast while the X-ray is being taken. The compression may feel uncomfortable, but it only lasts for a few seconds. If you feel pain, talk with the technologist; she can adjust your position.

Usually, two X-rays are made of each breast. Afterward, you'll need to wait to dress until the technologist checks to make sure the images are clear. You should be notified within a week if the mammogram shows an abnormality.



Good Neighbor Pharmacy Health Connection, October 2013