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To Do List: Ditch Bad Habits for New Ones


Stopping a bad habit cold turkey can be tough. Swapping a bad habit for a good one, however, can be useful. First, pinpoint habits that stand between you and a goal. For instance, perhaps you'd like to lose weight. Keep a journal for a week to learn why you eat too much, then overhaul your habits:

• If you eat when bored or anxious, get used to calling a friend instead.

• If you lounge in front of the TV for hours a night, take a long walk after dinner.

• If you snack mindlessly as you watch TV, make yourself a cup of tea.

• If you eat a handful of cookies at bedtime, switch to a handful of fruit.

• If you have a couple of calorie-laden alcoholic drinks to ease stress, exercise instead.

Exercise, in fact, can replace many bad habits. So can meditation, favorite hobbies and time with family.

Good Neighbor Pharmacy Health Connection, November 2013