About 40 percent of the adult population in the U.S. is estimated to have at least some loss of natural teeth. Incidence of tooth loss generally increases with age. While the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research reports that the prevalence of both partial and total tooth loss in seniors has decreased from the early 1970s, seniors over age 65 have lost an average of 13 teeth (including wisdom teeth) and 26 percent of seniors over age 65 have no remaining teeth.
Whether caring for natural teeth or dentures, seniors face a range of special oral concerns, including root decay and periodontal disease. You can keep your smile healthy by following a routine of proper oral care at home and by making regular dental visits for routine exams and cleaning. Visit our oral care section for products to help you keep your teeth and gums healthy.
If you have arthritis or limited use of your hands, try adapting the toothbrush for easy use. Insert the handle into a rubber ball or sponge hair curler or glue the toothbrush handle into a bicycle grip.
— Source: American Dental Hygienists’ Association
Good Neighbor Pharmacy Health Connection, April 2015