Involuntary Leakage of Urine - Treatment

There are over-the-counter products and self-care measures for symptom relief.

Absorbent Pads/Adult Diapers/Bed pads  
- Absorbent pads/adult diapers can be worn as normal underwears. These work well in absorbing leaks so that you can continue on with your everyday tasks.

Bed pads can be placed over your bed mattress to protect your bed from any leaks you may have when you are sleeping.  
- Examples include: Poise Bladder Control Pads


Kegel exercises
- Kegel exercises are intended to make the muscles that control your bladder stronger. Squeeze the muscles that stop or slow the flow of your urine for 3 seconds. Relax for 3 seconds. Repeat these steps 10 times. Do this 2 times per day.

Bladder training
- Bladder training helps increase the amount of urine your bladder can hold, thereby cutting down on the number of times you have to pee. Try to hold your urine for around 10 minutes after you have the urge to go. Some techniques you can try when holding your urine include breathing in and out slowly.

Schedule Bathroom trips
- Visit the bathroom at scheduled intervals, preferably every 2 to 4 hours.

Limit alcohol and caffeine intake

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